Put Your Business on the Bob Shop Map

bobshop is a good way to earn extra cash or start a business because it is quick to set up and because the start-up costs are low. So low, in fact, that, if you work from home, it is difficult to distinguish the cost of your company from your own living expenses. There are no costs associated with traditional brick-and-mortar businesses to get you off the ground. You do not even shoulder the costs of maintaining your own Internet presence and of driving the traffic to it. Bob Shop handles a lot of routine ecommerce tasks for you: it provides the trading platform, the web site and the software needed to transact online. You get the best reward because you sell directly to your customers; there is no middleman to take a portion of your profits.

You are able to reach geographically distant customers. You are not limited to selling to people who are within driving distance of your store. You can choose whether you want to sell your products locally, nationally or even internationally.

All you need is a product that people will want to buy. In all likelihood, you will be able to secure a steady stream of income or even gain financial independence. Unlike “get rich quickly” schemes, Bob Shop is more about reaching your financial goals slowly, with a fair amount of hard work.

Since Bob Shop does not charge listing fees, the cost of failure is so low that you can try something else the next day. And as for starting a business during times of economic downturn – that too can work to your advantage. You will be forced to exercise discipline, closely watching your bottom line, which will only make your business stronger later on, when the economic environment improves.

Even if you have a real-world shop or your own ecommerce site, it still makes business sense to establish a presence on Bob Shop, because that is where the buyers are. By listing your products or services on Bob Shop, you gain instant access to a vast base of customers. At the beginning of May 2009 Bob Shop had over 350,000 registered users. In comparison with the same period last year, the first quarter of 2009 saw a rise in the number of registered users by 69% and the number of new listings by 97%. There were 67% more active buyers in the first three months of 2009 than in the same period last year and 52% active sellers (“active” buyers and sellers are registered users who actually buy something or list an item for sale).

Actually, any of almost 700,000 people who visit Bob Shop each and every month could turn out to be the buyer of your wares. And when broadband becomes as available as electricity in South Africa, as it hopefully will in the not-too-distant future, all Bob Shop “vital statistics” figures are set to grow further.

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