Chamomile Baths, Dietary Supplements

and More Ways to Keep Eczema at Bay

If you are prone to eczema, winter months can become unbearable! Here are many causes, symptoms and remedies to keep those eczema outbreaks at bay.


 Eczema can be caused by many things, from dryness, the foods you are eating to stress and hormones. Here is a list of eczema causes:


Eczema can be identified by a rash most commonly found on the face, wrists, hands, feet or back of the knees. Other areas of the body may be affected too. Eczema is extremely itchy and may even start itching before the rash appears. The rash can appear as small red bumps or very dry, flaking skin. Eczema can affect the pigmentation of the skin in the affected area causing it to be lighter. Eczema is very uncomfortable, painful and unbearably itchy. This article will highlight ways to prevent eczema and cure an outbreak.


How to Nourish Your Body to Treat and Prevent Eczema Outbreaks


There are many ways to treat eczema from natural remedies to pharmaceutical creams.


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If your eczema is so bad that the natural remedies aren't working, you may need to visit the doctor.



Other cures include:




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