Parenting TipsParenting Tips for Toddlers Who Don't Listen

As cute and loveable as children may be, they can be just as naughty and difficult. You need to learn early on how to talk so kids will listen. Given their very impressionable minds, discipline is an essential element of parenting going forward. Think of it as priming a canvas. When you have the ground rules in place, it leaves room for fun. The less time spent arguing, is more time for playing and learning. While the doctor may not have handed you a book on how to raise a child,there are probably a million books written on precisely this subject. You should never shy away from asking and seeking. After all, no one knows instinctively how to talk so kids will listen.You should never be shy to seek; some may actually work in your favour. After all, no one just knows instinctively how to talk so kids will listen.

Connect with Your Child

By lowering your head and body to their level and looking your child in the eye, you are acknowledging your child with a level of respect. That will encourage your child to treat you likewise and to listen to you.

Long Lectures Do Not Work

Long lectures just dilute the message. Keep it short. Keep it clear. Keep it simple. The younger the child, the more simply you will need to speak in order to be heard.

Request + Reason = Action

If you follow your request with a reason, you are allowing the children to understand the outcome of their actions. This is best done in conjunction with a positive reason. For example: finish your lunch so that we can go play in the park / watch TV / read a book will probably work better than: finish your lunch or else' Make sure your request is firm by eliminating words which may suggest it's optional; words such as if or maybe imply the children have a choice.

Listen and Repeat

After you voiced your request, statement or whatever it may be, ask your child to repeat what you have just said.

Calm Them Down

Emotionally distraught children are not going to listen to a word you say. They will be receptive only once you have calmed their crying, whining and tantrums. Among the best words to use here are phrases such as, I understand, or can I help you?

Close the Discussion

If your child begins to argue with you after you have made your point, you need to tell him or her it is no longer up for discussion and you have made up your mind.

Last Trick

Help children remember the 'house rules' by using rhymes. For example, you may use these ready-made pieces of wisdom in appropriate situations:

  • Sharing toys brings more joy.
  • You don't have to search around if you put things back where they were found!
  • If the teacher is talking, stop your squawking.

Since we all know that every child is different, there are no hard and fast rules on how to talk so kids will listen. Hopefully, some of the tricks above will work for you.

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