Matching a Painting to Your Home Décor

The art of home decorating is exactly that - an art! While you can read books about the topic, watch endless TV shows devoted to the subject or visit show houses for ideas, it all comes down to personal choice and feeling comfortable in your own home.

Having said that, one of the most difficult choices to make is that of selecting a painting or piece of art to match your existing home décor scheme. While not set in concrete, here are a few tips to help you in your selections.

Take a look at your basic home décor. What is your basic scheme - do you favour bright colours or maybe pastel shades? Is your style modernistic or old fashioned, minimalist or cluttered? This will give you a clue as to what you need to look for in your artwork.

Many people choose a painting because of the prime colours, but this can lead to you quickly becoming tired of it. Rather, look at the subtleties of tones and colour combinations in your home - this will give you a better idea of what you will feel comfortable with in a painting.

The size of your artwork is an important factor, too. A painting should fit the empty space surrounding it. Too large a painting on a small wall will look out of place and, while you can certainly group smaller paintings together on a large wall, one larger painting instead will always appear more aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

From a purely commercial point of view, it makes sense to choose a painting or piece of artwork that has value, or that you think will appreciate in value. If possible, buy an original or at the least a limited edition print. That way, you will not only gain emotionally but financially when you look at the painting.

However, your painting or artwork should not become the central theme of your home décor, no matter how much you like it!  A single piece of artwork, regardless of its beauty - or value - should not detract from the overall ambience of the room. A dominating piece of artwork will remove the subtleties of effect that you are trying to achieve. Rather than subtracting, the piece should add to the overall theme. Consider it as a piece in a jigsaw puzzle - vitally important, yes, but not the complete picture. Without that painting, the room will feel incomplete, but it should not dominate.
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