New Labelling Regulations in South Africa – What You Need to Know

New labelling regulations have been recently passed in South Africa to prevent companies and marketers from misleading consumers through deceptive advertising.
The South African government is giving companies until March 2011 to include additional information on product labels so that consumers can make healthier and more informed choices.

The most important changes in labelling in South Africa have to do with nutritional value information on products. For example, smoothies can no longer be advertised as 98% fat free. Instead, the label must show that they contain 2% fat. Under the new regulations, manufacturers will not be allowed to make nutritional claims about food products unless:


Highlights of the New Labelling Regulations in South Africa


Words Banned from Product Labels in South Africa

Certain labelling terms have been banned by the government under the new rules. These labels include word and phrases such as ‘rich in’, ‘excellent source of’, ‘enriched with X’, ‘with added Y’, and ‘contains Z’. Words and phrases that are still allowed include ‘low’, ‘free’, ‘virtually free’, ‘high’, or ‘very high’.


A Ready Reckoner of Changed Labelling Laws in South Africa:

These changes in labelling information have been implemented to encourage a healthy way of life. So, at the grocery store, take time to carefully read the label on every product before putting it in your shopping cart.

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