Home-Made Biltong

Get The Biltong King Now Get Fitbit Deals Now Biltong King Biltong Maker

Enjoy home-made biltong at a fraction of the cost!

The Biltong King from Mellerware has been designed with you in mind. With this easy-to-use kitchen gadget, you will be able to make mouth-watering biltong from the comfort of your own home.

Biltong King Biltong Maker
Impress your friends with delicious home-made biltong today! Get Fitbit Deals Now
Hanging Rods

Hanging Rods

For hanging biltong and dry wors

Drying Shelves

Drying Shelves

Make home-made dried fruit and vegetables

Continuous Airflow

Continuous Airflow

Ongoing air supply makes the drying process quicker

Biltong is one of the most well known proudly South African foods around. Studies show that this method of meat preservation was discovered by the Khoisan hundreds of years ago.

Preparation of the meat prior to preservation starts with marinating the meat in vinegar. Once it has sat for a few hours, rub the meat with a combination of salt, and a few spices such as black pepper, coriander and barbeque spice. The meat is then left to cure, drained and hung up in the biltong maker to dry for a few days before it is ready to be eaten.

Once your biltong is ready, slice it up and enjoy!

Biltong Knife
Add a biltong knife for convenient biltong cutting Get Fitbit Deals Now