Past month 0 0 0 0
Past 3 months 0 0 0 0
Total till date 15 14 0 0

All ratings given to sellers

good servise
08 Jan 2009 ishkaar(Blacklisted)
Good deal!
18 Dec 2008 louvaine(Blacklisted)
Good deal
12 Dec 2008 Montrose16(Blacklisted)
Good deal
12 Dec 2008 Montrose16(Blacklisted)
Thank You
06 Dec 2008 shellbee(Blacklisted)
Money received 5th. You sent email Friday night 7.30pm collected at office Monday morning. Tracking no sent Sunday - no response? Rubbish!!
Responded 12 Dec 2008
Great Seller
05 Dec 2008 TheSpyGuy33533
Great Seller
05 Dec 2008 Seeds and All84994
Great Seller
05 Dec 2008 Seeds and All84994
Good service
03 Dec 2008 men2070
Good service
03 Dec 2008 Stamp Market SA(Blacklisted)