All ratings given to sellers

After 19 days after placing order, no goods received, no tacking no,no explanation received. At least keep the buyer up to date if there is a problem
14 Feb 2017 Zasttra14740
We're sorry the order was delivered late. We're looking into improving our shipping. FN Zasttra
Responded 06 Mar 2017
Thanks for speedy delivery
03 Feb 2015 The USB Shop8773
I still have not received my order........
30 Sep 2014 AUCTIONS33204
Hi There, this is because the post office is on a strike up until now.
Responded 16 Oct 2014
Fast delivery. Good product.Thanks
23 Sep 2014 buyboy223455
Fast delivery. Good product.Thanks
23 Sep 2014 nicedeal3255
Great Seller
01 Sep 2014 EverythingGoes323
Excellent seller. Good quality products with fast delivery. Thanks....
30 Sep 2013 Star Line2970
Excellent seller. Good quality products with fast delivery. Thanks....
30 Sep 2013 dolfynt92845
Excellent seller. Good quality products with fast delivery. Thanks....
30 Sep 2013 dolfynt92845