Main centres: | 1-3 business days |
Regional areas: | 3-4 business days |
Remote areas: | 3-5 business days |
A landscape which is designed properly is a source of enjoyment for
the entire family, it enhances a community and adds to the resale
value of your property. Landscape design involves much more than
placing trees, shrubs and other plants on the property. It is an art
which deals with conscious arrangement or organization of outdoor
space for human satisfaction and enjoyment.
This is an ebook
What is an ebook? An ebook is a digital document on computer that is written that same way a normal book or report is written. In most cases this kind of ebook will be downloaded to your computer after purchase. In some cases the ebook can be printed out or burned to cd and mailed to you. Please ask the seller what costs are involved in printing or burning the ebook to cd and mailing it to you if this is your preference - unless it is stated in the listing.
An ebook is not a physical bound book.