Past month 0 0 0 0
Past 3 months 0 0 0 0
Total till date 28 17 0 0

All ratings given to sellers

Great sellers
22 May 2014 AUCTION SA(Blacklisted)
Great sellers
22 May 2014 Oceans2013(Blacklisted)
Great Sellers
08 May 2014 Catch245228
Great Sellers
08 May 2014 dwtrading(Blacklisted)
Great Sellers
08 May 2014 dwtrading(Blacklisted)
Best service and Quality products
29 Mar 2014 Honey Comb(Blacklisted)
Best service and Quality products
29 Mar 2014 leondavibe2832
Best service and Quality products
29 Mar 2014 Honey Comb(Blacklisted)
Best service and Quality products
29 Mar 2014 Honey Comb(Blacklisted)
Best service and Quality products
29 Mar 2014 Honey Comb(Blacklisted)
Best service and Quality products
29 Mar 2014 Honey Comb(Blacklisted)
Good service
25 Mar 2014 The Seedster1739